Back in 2008, I was introduced by my former boss into mutual funds. That was the first time I've heard of such a thing. Before that, he told me that he will share something about investment. The first thing that came into my mind was the stock market. I was surprised when he told me things about mutual funds. My first question was, "What is that?"
I was introduced into something which was very new to me. I was not prepared for that. I don't even know about Philequity. Which at that time, or even up to now, is the #1 Mutual Fund company in the Philippines.
So since I really wanted to try something new during that time, I opened up an account. I was told to open up an equity fund. Whatever it is, I listened to him knowing fully well that as my former boss, he will never do such a foolish thing to me. I later learned that an equity fund invest 90% of the fund in equities and 10% in government securities. I will have a separate post regarding mutual funds and its different classification.
Moving on, I shelled out P5,000.00 as the minimum initial investment. If I remember it right, the NAVPS of the fund during that time was 10.7. After opening the account, I never tried to up to my investment. As the price went down to 7.5, I was discouraged. I've seen my money went down from the initial fund value. As it recovered back and reached P20/share, I decided to sell all my shares. Somehow, I was able to double my money. Doubling my 5,000.00 to up to 10,000.00 doesn't even made me excited to keep going. Instead, I kept on living from paycheck to paycheck. My financial situation is in total disarray.
Fast forward, after reading the Simplify book series of Bro. Bo Sanchez, that's when I realized that I am a fool. I allowed an opportunity of a lifetime in the form of Philequity, to slip through my hands. Now, the NAVPS of that same fund is 34.6. The NAVPS trend makes me say tsk, tsk, tsk. :-(. See the uptrend from 2008 to 2015?
Reading inspirational books made me decide that I must shape up or else my future will be compromised. I know it's somehow late in getting my hands wet in the world of investments, but I am sure that it is not too late.
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