Finally, after weeks of coming up with a decision, I decided to rejoin the Truly Rich Club. Yup, you read it right. I rejoined the club. I actually joined the club a couple of years ago. I joined twice and I quit twice. Guess I'm not that ready to be a responsible club member during those times. But now, there's no turning back. I got to do it right this time. I don't want to be missing out on the great opportunities of being a member of this club.
For those who are asking what the Truly Rich Club is, as taken from its official website, it is a private group of individuals who are serious in changing their beliefs and thinking to gain the abundance mentality they need to change their lives forever. This would not be possible without the guidance of its well loved founder, Bro. Bo Sanchez
My former boss actually introduced me to this man. From then on, I became interested with his works. I bought some of his books especially those which promotes financial literacy and inspirational works.
Now going back to the club, there are a lot of changes. There are still the all time favorites Stocks Update and Wealth Strategies but on how the website looks. It became more informative. The Strategic Averaging Method (SAM) table is being updated real time. I became inspired once again to make my investments work double time this time around. No more dilly dallying. I'm not getting any younger. :)
There are additional blessings for the members. One of those is the 100K Term Life Insurance. Members can avail of this benefit if they are already a member of the club for one (1) or have fully paid the one (1) year membership. For those who can afford, I recommend paying for the one (1) year membership in full since you will be saving 20% of the full year membership if you really want to avail of the term life insurance. For those who are interested, you may join here.
There is a membership fee. But come to think of it, Bro. Bo supports a lot of ministries. I just think of it as a form of tithing. Its a great feeling if we can give with all our heart.
Well I think that's it for now regarding my Truly Rich Club membership. I am looking forward making the most out of this experience.
And as Bro. Bo used to say, "May Your Dreams Come True". :)
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